The fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio” (1883) by Italian author Carlo Collodi is well known all over the world. However, there is another story for young readers adapted from “The Adventures of Pinocchio” published in 1936, and that is “The Little Gold Key or the Adventures of Burattino” by Russian writer Alexei Tolstoy. In Tolstoyʼs book, the name of Pinocchio is changed to “Burattino”, literally “wooden puppet” in Italian. As Alexei Tolstoy emphasized in “Preface” (1936), his tale was inspired by the story of Pinocchio, but “as the book (“The Adventures of Pinocchio”) got lost”, he told “each time a different story, inventing such adventures that did not exist in the original text.” “The Little Gold Key or the Adventures of Burattin...
Abstract Fairytales are universal expressions that have been used in the nation-building process in ...
In The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883) one of the fundamental sacred stories reappears: Carlo...
This thesis uses the methodology devised by Russian folklorist and scholar, Vladimir Propp, in his M...
In 1936, Alexei Tolstoy’s The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino was published, heralding the...
The article discusses a variety of figurative language uses in Le Avventure di Pinocchio. Storia di ...
The paper analyses four characters ofliterary fairy tales: The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Coll...
Approaches to what exactly a fairy tale should accomplish and how it accomplishes it are varied. Nev...
One of the most widely read books in the world, considered a metaphor for the human condition, and s...
Our critical question is the following: apart from translations can films, television series, themat...
If we consider that the very basic element of a children’s story is its appeal to world literature, ...
Ovaj završni rad bazira se na dosadašnjim istraţivanjima o Pinocchiju talijanskog autora Carla Collo...
La tesi di dottorato Pinocchio in Russia: andata e ritorno verte sull’analisi comparativa di due gra...
This research aims to analyze the translation techniques employed in the English-Indonesian translat...
Which are the elements, the themes, the characteristics that make The Adventures of Pinocchio be the...
In spite of its crucial role in the creative process leading to Pinocchio, I racconti delle fate, Co...
Abstract Fairytales are universal expressions that have been used in the nation-building process in ...
In The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883) one of the fundamental sacred stories reappears: Carlo...
This thesis uses the methodology devised by Russian folklorist and scholar, Vladimir Propp, in his M...
In 1936, Alexei Tolstoy’s The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino was published, heralding the...
The article discusses a variety of figurative language uses in Le Avventure di Pinocchio. Storia di ...
The paper analyses four characters ofliterary fairy tales: The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Coll...
Approaches to what exactly a fairy tale should accomplish and how it accomplishes it are varied. Nev...
One of the most widely read books in the world, considered a metaphor for the human condition, and s...
Our critical question is the following: apart from translations can films, television series, themat...
If we consider that the very basic element of a children’s story is its appeal to world literature, ...
Ovaj završni rad bazira se na dosadašnjim istraţivanjima o Pinocchiju talijanskog autora Carla Collo...
La tesi di dottorato Pinocchio in Russia: andata e ritorno verte sull’analisi comparativa di due gra...
This research aims to analyze the translation techniques employed in the English-Indonesian translat...
Which are the elements, the themes, the characteristics that make The Adventures of Pinocchio be the...
In spite of its crucial role in the creative process leading to Pinocchio, I racconti delle fate, Co...
Abstract Fairytales are universal expressions that have been used in the nation-building process in ...
In The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883) one of the fundamental sacred stories reappears: Carlo...
This thesis uses the methodology devised by Russian folklorist and scholar, Vladimir Propp, in his M...